astrology . poetry . spiritual ecology

Matt Trease, Astrologer “Astrology is your GPS for Life”

Feeling frustrated by life?

Do you find yourself asking “why do I struggle to find a partner?” or “why do the jobs I wind up in always seem so unfulfilling?”

You may be swimming upstream against the current of the Universe. Astrology can help.


My Services

I offer a variety of consultation packages focused on your desired outcome. Using the ancient wisdom of astrology and tarot, I can help you to know where, when, and how to find more fulfilling romantic partners, or to develop an organic strategy to get you moving toward a rewarding career path, or to know where to tap into resources that help you feel more free and abundant.

See my package deals »

Why astrology?

Horoscopes are more than just pithy advice columns. They are an ancient tool for tracking time from a cosmic perspective. Knowing you’re a Sagittarius or that you have a moon in Aquarius or that you’re a Cancer Rising, is only a small part of the picture. Working with a professional astrologer can help you to unlock and more fully engage those archetypes, and to tune in to what makes you you.

Learn some astrology basics» (coming soon)

Monthly Weather Report

Stockbrokers and investors always seek out insider scoops on market trends, and you can do the same with astrology. Sign up for our monthly astro weather report to stay abreast on what’s happening cosmically. Along with a breakdown of the key astrological events for the month, you’ll get an assessment of what that means for your rising type, as well as key dates and times for taking action.

Become a member » (Coming Soon)


My Practice

Fate doesn’t have to be fatalistic. Knowing your astrology is like knowing your cosmic DNA — some things are changeable, given circumstances and some things are more hard wired; changing them can cause lots of tension. I use a mix of the beautiful symmetry and concreteness of traditional (Hellenistic and Medieval) techniques and the rich and transformative language of modern psychological astrology.

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Priestess Mercury Podcast

Twice a month (if not more) Matt sits down with psychotherapist, astrologer and healer Michelle Bloom, of Michelle Bloom Counseling , to discuss astrology, tarot, healing, and other aspects of the divine feminine. New episodes posted on Mercury’s Day (Wednesday) and Hour (sunrise or 8 hrs later Pacific time). Available on Zencastr , via Apple Podcasts, and the Priestess Mercury YouTube channel.

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